Chinese New Year
2011 & 2012
One of my career highlights is initiating and securing
a 2 year sponsorship partnership between City of Sydney & BannerSHOP for Chinese New Year. Subsequently this lead to our involvement with other events such as Art&About etc.
Reporting directly to the company directors of BannerSHOP, it was my responsibility to manage a small team of four in collaboration with the City of Sydney team..
Partnership Objectives Achieved;
- Increase brand awareness, trust and creditability
- Increase BannerSHOP Database
- Promote / Showcase our range of products
- Introduce BannerSHOP to City of Sydney
This was a contra sponsorship arrangement. In exchange for marketing exposure we provided to equal value signage for the event. Any other required signage was then processed separately.
As part of our marketing partnership with the Sydney Running Festival we had the following;
- Branded Signage at the event
- Social Media Posts
- Public Sponor Annoucements
- Promoted as a "Preferred Supplier" to all event sponsors
- Official Sponsor on the Chinese New Year website
- Mutual links to the City of Sydney website
- Promoted as a case study to multiple databases
Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Photographer Rose Dobbs