Business Partnerships
Contra Deals

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As part of my Marketing role at BannerSHOP I sought out opportunities for business partnerships and negotiated contra sponsorships. In exchange for marketing exposure we provided to equal value signage for the event. Any other required signage was then processed separately.
Partnership Objectives Achieved;
- Increase brand awareness, trust and creditability
- Launch & promote "WOW" BannerSHOP's Online Ordering
- Promote / Showcase quality & range of products
For example, our marketing exposure with Fairfax included;
- Branded Signage at the City2Surf and other Fairfax events.
- Activation sites to engage with people
- Public Sponor Annoucements
- Edms to the Fairfax Events Database
- Web banners on the Fairfax website
- Mutual links to the Fairfax website
- Partnership promoted as a case study